More call center jerks.


Work in a call center for a bank. Had a customer today furious that the ATM ate his card, machine that gives you cash. Demands I walk over to retrieve it. After being an absolute wanker for a solid 10 mins and refusing to give me personal info cause he thought I was lying about ‘really’ being from the bank (even though he called us), this is roughly how it ended:

Him: you need to give me my card immediately.

Me: I can cancel it and send you another but I can’t give you the card from that ATM.

Him: fine give me one now or I’ll sue you.

Me: whips out the sass OK sure so without being able to ID you there could be one way. Push the GO button on the ATM pls.

Him: done. Nothing.

Me: ok silly me it needs to know who you are. Put your hand on the screen so it can check your finger prints to check you’re you. Did it come out?

Him: no. Nothing.

Me: did you push go?

Him: oh, no. Let me try. No, nothing.

Me: OK, this ATM could be old. Let’s try something different. Go to the app on your phone and open it for me.

Him: OK. Its open.

Me: OK give me a sec. …..OK is the card printing from it? It normally comes from the bottom but it depends on the phone.

Him: I’m checking. Doesn’t seem to be so.

Me: what about the side?

Him: um. Nah. I have an iPhone, does that matter?

Me: what version?

Him: 6.

Me: oh those have a bug at the moment. You might need to reset it the phone. Give it a go and I’ll wait here for you.

Him: OK just a min.

phone goes off so call ends

Cya d*ckhead.

Petty Revenge: Your daily dose of the best petty revenge stories. | source

via @notiun

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