I’m a Paramedic, I hold a lisecence to practice in my home province and we are a self regulated profession, answering to the “(province) college of paramedics ”. The COP sucks , they are run basically by the dregs of society who decided to become beauroctatic sociopaths. . This past year they had a problem with my CPR certificate, apparently being an instructor with the red cross was not good enough?? I was forced to take heart and stroke , such a bullshit and arbitrary decision, for fucks sake I teach CPR 30 times a year. Anyways I got my card and was able to keep my license. Since they fucked with my career, i wrote a letter to the registrar complaining about their fuckery, the problem is that I was actually suspended for non compliance and couldn’t work for 11 days , I was given 3 days notice to get a new CPR card and our registration closes Dec 31…of course everyone who teaches was closed for the holidays.
via @notiun
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