Scare my friend away, I'll get you kicked out off university!


Sorry for my terrible spelling and grammar.

So, for context I am a transgender woman (22) who had just started transitioning at the time. I wasn’t taking hormones but I acted a little more feminine, even the way I walked.

A young lad at the university, let’s call him Liam made it known he fought I was gay because of the way I walked and he happened to be a huge homophobe. He told others I had a boyfriend, asked him out and tried to force myself on him. My friends who knew about my girlfriend obviously saw how false it was but nevertheless the rumour spread. I was studying games design and so as you can imagine every class and lecture hall was a sausage party. A lot of guys felt uncomfortable around me and one asked if I’d sit rather at the front ot far back. I knew it was so they could quarantine me to one space. (This was mostly down to the rumour of me forcing myself on Liam and not being gay in general).

Keep reading

via @notiun

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