I work at a crummy motel in Anchorage, Alaska. The “don’t ask, don’t tell” kind if you catch my meaning. We usually only have a 45-55% fill up at any given time of year (and that’s with 20 out of order rooms), however our city is hosting a very important native conference this year and so we got extremely busy (also that early August is this years pinnacle of our tourist season since forest fires were blacking out the state back in late June early-mid July).
Anyway, we hit full house for the first time I can remember since I started working here and it was a good feeling. The second to last guy I checked in, we’ll call him Earl Crazycakes or Earl for short, just flew in from North Dakota and was looking to make Alaska his new home. Great, I thought. Now to be fair, when I first met him, no warning signs went off that this guy might me a kook. He said he was an ex-Marine and had a service dog with him named Max.
via @notiun
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