If you want all responsibility, I'll gladly comply


Some five years ago I lived together with a couple. The guy, a friend of mine, had been living there for several years while I only moved in two years ago and his gf moved in a year ago. Both his gf and I payed rent to him, and he forwarded to the landlord.

Due to some heavy storms part of the building had suffered damages, mainly my room and the kitchen. While the kitchen was being renovated the landlord cut our rent as it was unusable for almost two months. Obviously we all shared in these deductions. After the kitchen was refurnished, they started working in my bedroom and I had to sleep on the couch, and my housemate said he thought it only proper that all of us would pay less. I didn’t agree, as they didn’t experience any inconvenience, but didn’t argue too much, and eventually shared half my cut. I was annoyed but didn’t protest.

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via @notiun

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